We offer deck cleaning services that restore the beauty and safety of your deck while protecting it.
A shaded deck is a wonderful place to relax on a hot summer day here in Newport News, Virginia, but along with shade comes the increased occurrence of algae, mold, and other contaminants. Not only do these make your deck look unsightly, but they can also result in damage to your deck and a slippery surface. Even open-air decks can get an accumulation of dirt, grime, and other impurities over time. Screened-in decks trap tons of dust and pollen, and screens begin to turn green with algae growth, making it almost impossible to enjoy these beautiful spaces. At Safari Softwash, we offer deck cleaning services that restore the beauty and safety of your deck while protecting it so that it gives you years of enjoyment.
Our innovative softwashing method for deck cleaning ensures that regardless of whether you have a wood or composite deck, it will be clean without running the risk of the damage that can happen with traditional pressure washing services. The effect is longer lasting too, so you’ll save money in the long run. Our deck cleaning process is also better for the environment, as it uses considerably less water and the cleaning solution is water-based, low-VOC, non-hazardous, and biodegradable.
Another benefit of regular deck cleaning is that you won’t be tracking things into the house as you utilize your deck, so the inside of your home will stay clean longer too. We recommend having us clean other areas as well, such as your driveway and walkways, to maximize this benefit.
If you are ready to schedule deck cleaning or have questions about our process, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to helping you have a clean and healthy outdoor living space.
At Safari Softwash, we offer deck cleaning services in Williamsburg, Jamestown, Newport News, Yorktown, Providence Forge, and Toano, Virginia.