Our team offers soft washing services as a gentler but more effective alternative to power washing.
In our experience here at Safari Softwash, the only method of exterior cleaning that most people are familiar with is power washing. This is unfortunate, in our opinion, as power washing can seriously damage your surfaces and leave them looking worse than before. We offer soft washing services as a gentler, more effective alternative. Keep reading to learn more about the differences between these two methods and why we prefer soft washing.
The first major difference between power washing and soft washing is the level of water pressure used in each. The water pressure used in standard power washing can easily exceed 3,000 PSI, which makes it powerful enough to strip paint and even damage concrete. In comparison, soft washing’s water pressure is about 80 PSI, which means that it can’t damage your surfaces.
The other main difference between the two methods is that soft washing involves first treating the target surface with a blend of specialized, biodegradable cleaning solutions. These cleaning agents help to loosen dirt and grime, making it easier to remove, and they also eliminate mold, mildew, algae, and other contaminants. Because mold and similar organisms are what cause dirt to collect on your outdoor structures in the first place, removing them will get those structures cleaner and keep them that way longer than simply removing the surface dirt would.
Our team is proud to serve the community here in Williamsburg, Virginia, and we want to help you keep your property in great shape. The next time you think that you could use power washing services, we encourage you to give us a call to schedule our soft washing services instead.
At Safari Softwash, we offer soft washing services in Williamsburg, Jamestown, Newport News, Yorktown, Providence Forge, and Toano, Virginia.