We provide top-notch soft washing services that will keep your structures looking great.
At Safari Softwash, our goal is to help you keep your property looking its best, and we offer the top-notch exterior cleaning services you need to do just that. We use advanced cleaning systems and safe chemistry to thoroughly clean your exterior walls, pathways, patios, parking lots, and other structures, ensuring that they look immaculate. You can count on our experts to remove not only dirt, but also stains, algae, mold, and other contaminants, producing a better, longer lasting clean. To do this, we use a method known as soft washing, which works like this:
The first step in soft washing is to treat the target surface with specialized, biodegradable cleaning solutions. These solutions will loosen the dirt and grime, making it easier to remove, and will also kill harmful microorganisms such as the ones we listed above—mold, algae, and similar contaminants not only collect dirt and make your surfaces look dingy, but they can also damage your structures if not removed promptly. Next, we will spray down the surface with low-pressure water jets, which will wash everything away and leave your exterior structures looking spotless. With the mold, etc., gone, your surfaces will remain clean for much longer than they would if washed with water alone.
We are proud to be a part of the Williamsburg, Virginia community, and we want to help you take the best possible care of your home or business. If you are interested in learning more about our soft washing services, or in trying them for yourself, just give us a call today.